What is a Temporary Suspension of Studies?
A “Temporary Suspension of Studies” or “TSS” is an agreement with Heriot-Watt University that you can have a break in your studies. The break can last for one semester, or for a maximum of a full academic year. During this time your place at the University is held for you so you can resume at the agreed time. To request such a break, you apply to the University for a Temporary Suspension of Studies. You will need evidence of your circumstances.
What reasons for a TSS will the University consider?
There are many reasons why a student might need a break from their studies, including the following:
- Medical issues
- Personal issues
- Financial reasons
- Academic reasons
- Industrial Placement
- Year abroad
How do I ask for a Temporary Suspension of Studies?
It is a straightforward process, and you need to take the following two steps:
- Speak with your personal tutor, program director, supervisor or course leader.
- Complete the online TSS application form and upload it.
You can find more guidance and how to apply on the university website here.
Where can I find the application form for TSS?
You apply for a TSS through Student Self Service. On the Student menu, under Programme & Course, click the Temporary Suspension of Studies link. This will allow you to make an application, explain why you are applying for a TSS and upload any evidence.
There is a step-by-step video to guide you through this process.
How long or short of a break can I request?
You can request a break in studies for one semester, or for an entire academic year. In the TSS application form you are asked to select from a drop-down option the length of break you want to request.
Must I speak with a member of academic staff before I apply?
Yes, you do, as your tutor (or other academic member of staff) must be willing to support your TSS request for it to succeed. In your application form you will be asked to confirm who you have spoken to.
Is it unusual to ask the University for a TSS?
No, it is not unusual – there are thousands of students at the University and inevitably some of them will experience circumstances which mean they have to request a break from studies. If you have good reasons to request this break, the University will consider your case. There are many reasons why it becomes challenging to continue studies and taking a break can be a student’s best option – the expectation is that the student will return to studies in a stronger position to succeed.
Do I need evidence?
Yes, you do. For example, if you are requesting a TSS on health grounds you will need a letter from a doctor or counsellor, supporting your request for a break from studies. Without evidence your request is unlikely to be accepted. If you are unsure about what evidence you can provide then you are welcome to contact us for advice at advice.hub@hw.ac.uk
If I am allowed to take TSS for a semester or a year, do I have to pay any fees for this time?
No, if the University agrees to your TSS request, you don’t pay tuition fees when you are taking a break from studies. (You will need to contact your student funding body to update them on the situation. The University will also confirm with them that you are on a TSS.)
Do my student loan payments from my funding body (ie SAAS or Student Finance England) continue while I am on a break from studies?
Normally your student loan payments stop and then resume when you return to your studies. Therefore, you need to consider carefully how you will cover your rent and living expenses while on a break from studies. Sometimes the loan can continue for a short while if the student’s TSS is for medical reasons (for example, someone experiencing depression has a medical issue, and will need evidence from a doctor) and the University needs to ensure that this reason (medical) is recorded as such. In such a case the student may be able to access a loan from their funding body for at least some of the period while on a TSS. This entirely depends on your individual circumstances, and you need to contact your funding body to get clarity on your situation.
Can I apply for state benefits such as Univeral Credit during the time I am taking a break from studies?
Generally, no, you are still viewed as a registered student even though you are on a TSS (temporary suspension of studies) and therefore you are not eligible for state benefits. (Exceptions might be if you have parental responsibilities or a disability or long-term illness.) You are not eligible for benefits until you complete or withdraw from their studies. Being on a TSS is not considered a withdrawal. Even a student on a medical TSS – which most TSS years are – is not eligible under the benefit system. Therefore, if you apply for a TSS you need to consider how you will afford your living expenses during the time you are not studying, for example by finding paid work.
Will I still be exempt from paying Council Tax while on a break from studies?
No, you will need to be prepared to pay for this while you are on a break. This is because Heriot Watt does not confirm you as a full-time registered student to the relevant local authority while you are on a break from your studies (TSS). You may be eligible for a discount depending on circumstances but not the full student exemption. When you resume your studies, you will then be exempt again.
What if I have started the semester but it then becomes clear I will not be able to complete it and need to request a break. Is it too late to apply for retrospective TSS?
It is not too late - you can apply for retrospective TSS even if you have started the semester or are already some weeks into the semester. The University can make exceptions and grant retrospective TSS if there are strong reasons to do so, for example if you can provide a letter from a medical professional that you urgently need a break and are advised not to try to continue your studies. There are other circumstances where this might happen, not just illness. You will need to talk to your academic tutor, give as much detail as possible in the TSS application, and provide evidence.
What if my tuition fees for the semester I wish to suspend are already paid to the university?
The University may agree to hold these fees until you are able to return to your studies.
What if I have already received my student loan payments to cover living expenses for the semester I wish to retrospectively suspend?
You must contact your student funding body and explain your circumstances. If you have strong reasons for taking a break (for example medical) and can provide evidence, they may make an exception and not ask for the loan amount already issued to be returned, or even agree to further loan payments. This is their decision. In other cases, the student could be asked to pay back the loan or have loan money reduced from their return period of study. Usually, the best way to contact your funding body is online through your student account with them but they also usually offer live chat and phone-lines. Taking a break from studies will be a familiar situation for them, and they will be able to advise you. Since every case is different, you need to contact them directly about your circumstances.
How will my VISA be impacted by taking a break from studies (TSS)?
For information about how your VISA will be affected by a TSS you need to contact the International Student Advisors who can answer these questions. You can contact them through your Student Portal (AskHWU) or call in at the Student Service Centre in the Hugh Nisbet Building.
When I return to studies, I may have lost all my friends and support circle.
It is true that you may have lost familiar faces and classmates, as they will have progressed during the time you were taking a break. This can be hard, and it is worth giving thought to this when you are thinking about applying for TSS. It is unlikely you will lose friends, as real friends will stay in touch with you, but your classmates will be new to you, and possibly some academic staff may be new to you as well. On the positive side you will meet new friends and classmates, who will understand why you needed a break and who will make efforts to include you and welcome you back. You can also meet people through our Societies and events that are going on!
Can anyone help me with the TSS application?
We are happy to help in the Student Union Advice Hub. We can advise you on the application form and make suggestions about how to explain your situation and the kind of evidence you will need to provide. Contact us on advice.hub@hw.ac.uk or pop in and see us – we are situated directly opposite the shop in the Hugh Nisbet Building.
You might also wish to contact the University Thinking of Leaving Service who will be able to offer you guidance and support on your options, including taking a break from your studies (TSS). You can contact this service, which is part of Wellbeing Services on thinkingofleaving@hw.ac.uk
The Student Success Advisors are recent Heriot-Watt graduates who are available to help students and can be contacted on studentsuccess@hw.ac.uk
As mentioned in the advice above you are required to discuss your TSS application with your tutor or other academic staff before making the application.