Academic Reps are one of the most important parts of the Student Union as the feedback they collect helps make positive changes at course, department, school and university level at Heriot-Watt University.

Meet the Team!

Holly McAdams

VICE President Academic

Holly is the elected Full Time Officer who deals with all matters relating to the learning and teaching experience of undergraduate students. If you have any ideas for a change or campaign that could be successful in improving the academic experience of students get in touch!


Cameron Fields


Scott is the elected Full Time Officer who deals with all matters relating to the learning and teaching experience for Postgraduate Students. If you have any ideas for a change or campaign that could be successful in improving the PGT or PGR experience get in touch!

Department Officers

Department Officers are current students who represent the student voice for the whole of their department. They are ‘team leaders’ for all the Class Reps in their department. We have 24 Department Officers, their responsibilities include:

  • Supporting Class Reps and working with senior management in their department to solve issues.
  • Attending and co-chairing their Student-Staff Liaison Committee meetings twice a semester.
  • Attending fortnightly meetings with the Student Union to update the VP Academic on issues arising in their department.
  • Attending School Committees to input student feedback into changes to courses and programmes.

Meet Your Department Officers

Class Reps

Class Reps are students who volunteer to represent the voice of students in their year/course/institute by gathering feedback from their classmates and attending meetings with Heriot-Watt University and Union staff. They are the link between the student body and all levels of staff at the university who make decisions about your learning and teaching experience.

We have 240 undergraduate and postgraduate taught Class Reps and 19 postgraduate research reps.