Below is our statement of support for all students at Heriot-Watt.

"In light of ongoing conflicts across the globe, we want to ensure all our students feel supported by the Student Union and the University. We extend our solidarity to our students who have been impacted by conflict, whether that be through concern for the safety of loved ones, or by the upsetting nature of current affairs.

We also want to reiterate that we take a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of hate speech and discrimination. Recent events have seen worldwide increase in hate incidents and hate crime.

If you experience or witness any incident of hate or inappropriate behaviour, whether that be on our campuses or in the local community, we encourage you to use Report It (Heriot-Watt’s reporting system) or go to the Advice Hub as a third-party reporting centre. If you feel comfortable doing so, you can also contact the police directly if you witness this off-campus, even if you are unsure about whether or not the incident constitutes a hate crime.

If your mental health or studies have been impacted, we urge you to reach out for support, either through Student Wellbeing Services or by getting in touch with our Advice Hub.

We also have the Chaplaincy at our Edinburgh Campus, which is a safe space for all faiths, as well as for those of no particular faith.

We will continue to work with the University to ensure that students are able to receive the support they need and feel safe to be themselves."

- Your Full Time Officer Team

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