April was another jam-packed month for our FTO’s. With exams kicking off in April and the 23/24 academic year drawing to a close, April was another jam-packed month for our FTO’s. From our awards nights earlier in the month, to chilling and grilling down in the Borders, here’s everything that went down in April!
Scott and the team kicked off a busy month with our highly anticipated Awards week which was a highlight for sure. On Thursday the 4th of April we hosted our annual Student Union Oscars, a night full of recognition for the hardworking staff members here at Heriot-Watt who go above and beyond their teaching duties to support students throughout their studies. After an amazing night on Thursday, it was a quick turnaround by the Student Union team to get ready for The Volunteer Awards which took place on Friday the 5th of April. This night allowed us to celebrate the individuals and societies for their hard work and volunteering contributions. Both nights were hosted at the Student Union and were a huge success! 
Scott was involved in sending 4 delegates to the National Union of Students Conference in Blackpool. At the conference Scott was involved in discussions about future campaigns and policies such as protecting the graduate visa, representation for futher education institutions, reforming NUS and mobilising for the upcoming general election.
Sustainability is a worldwide movement and Heriot-Watt is determined to play their part and April marked the last sustainability forum of the semester. This allowed students to ask questions about sustainability at Heriot-Watt to our University Global Sustainability Team and gain an insight into the future of sustainability at Heriot-Watt.
Exam season got underway in April, but so did our exam packs, so it wasn’t all bad news! Our exam packs were handed out to students across our Edinburgh and Galashiels campuses to counteract the stress that the exam season can bring about.
As the semester drew to a close, it was time to grill up some tasty food down in Galashiels as part of our end of semester wind-down. With some free grilled up food accompanied by a live DJ for those in attendance, it was great day down in the Borders.
Sebi also made a guest appearance on the student voice podcast in April alongside Holly McAdams and Andrew McLarren. The podcast discussed the Student Union and Sebi’s experiences throughout the year which was posted on Canvas.
Sebi was also involved in a glamorous photoshoot with his favourite trees around campus to celebrate Earth Day on campus.
April saw our Student Voice Review. We had a global, institutional wide review of the ‘HWU Your Voice’ platform, this was successfully passed and approved at the University Committee for Learning and Teaching. On top of this several recommendations were made following consultations with over 70 internal student reps which will go on to inform the direction of key student voice mechanisms soon.
Connel was involved in the Annual Report in April. This report outlines several projects undertaken by various teams and departments in the Student Union. This was completed and shared with the University Court and will soon be published for all students to see what we have been doing this year to support, improve and enhance your student experience at Heriot-Watt.
Georgia was heavily involved in the start up of the Housing Campaigns Working Group following discussions at Student Parliament. Since its establishment the group has met with students from all three UK campuses, as well as university staff, to resolve many of the frequent challenges that students face regarding accommodation.
Georgia also attended the NUS Liberation Conference where policies were passed on decolonisation, supporting international students, and working towards true trans liberation.
Georgia also worked alongside Student Wellbeing Services and the Student Union Advice Hub to renew the partnership with Edinburgh Nightline. This increases the support available for students as well as creating more volunteering opportunities.