That’s another elections week been and gone. Went fast, eh? In case you missed it, the results were announced this evening along with the Sports Union results. A total of 9208 votes were cast from 1735 individual voters. That's 18.1% of all of Heriot-Watt!
We want to say a massive thank you to all the candidates who put themselves forward, campaigned and just all round gave it their all for the full week!
Keep an eye out on our socials soon, as we will be getting you well acquainted with the new (and old!) faces of the Student Union.
Your 2024/25 Full Time Officers are:
President- Cameron Fields
VP Community- Sebi Merino
VP Academic-Holly McAdams
VP Wellbeing- Rachel Poole

Your part-time officers for 2024/25:
Student MPs:
- Dilip Naidu Govind
- Krisha Ketan Shah
- Meng Wu
- Megha Laskshmi Sivashankar
- Shagbaor Hycent Amool
School MPs:
- Mira Sivaprasad
- Yash Gur
- Nicole Matthews
- Joshua Ahurome Eseigbe
- Muhammad Umer