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Cameron Fields


Hi there, I'm Cameron, the President. I'm excited for what is to come for the upcoming year and would love to hear from you. Feel free to email me on union.president@hw.ac.uk.

What do I do?

As President, my main focus is on improving the student experience and representing the views of students to the University. I'm also tasked with ensuring that students are at the heart of everything the University does as I sit on University Court, as well as a number of other committees.

I Chair the Scottish Borders Campus Group and act as a key link between the two campuses. While I'm primarily concerned with representing all of Heriot-Watt's students in the UK (Edinburgh, Scottish Borders Campus, Orkney) I am also the key link between your counterparts in Dubai’s Student Council and Malaysia's Student Association to ensure their views are fully represented. I even sometimes get to visit our international campuses!

As President, I work very closely with the Vice Presidents in Edinburgh. I also play a key role in Student Parliament, supporting Student MPs to make change, making sure Parliament runs smoothly, and regularly providing students with updates on the work we’re doing.

This year I will also lead on improving the Postgraduate experience at Heriot-Watt University.

As President, I am a member of the Student Union Trustee Board and may be nominated to attend various University committees.

Tell Us About Yourself?

I'm a Irish student, who has been involved in student politics and organising for around 4-5 years. I love working in the community, I've grown up and been around inequality and injustice my whole life and tackling these is what drives me.


International business management

What are you most looking forward to?

Working with an amazing team to achieve change for the students. I'm looking forward to fighting for students and standing up for our issues.

What are your big plans this year?

  • Help student through the housing crisis by providing support and working to improve on campus facilities.
  • Tackle the rise of sexual misconduct cases through education and making the reporting process easier and less stressful.
  • Making Heriot-Watt a safer more inclusive campus through community work and campaigns such as sense based approach to drug use and anti-spiking campaign


"your quite silly sometimes for somebody who is yeah..." - Rihdi

a few of their favourite things

Political organising, Reading, Spending time with friends and family, Community work, Having a few pints with the mates on a sunny day, Watching far too much netflix!

Let's Chat...

If you want to chat about my role, or something you think we should be looking at, then here's how you can find me:

For press enquiries, please email:

Photo of Cameron Fields

My Updates...

What I've been working on...

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