how can i help during covid-19?

If you're fit, healthy and wanting to do some volunteering during this time, there are ways you can help! However, please do not volunteer in the community if you are self-isolating or vulnerable.

Before volunteering, we suggest having a wee look at


Start off small and local - check in on your neighbours and other people in your building and ask if you can help them with anything - shopping, putting their bins out, collecting prescriptions from the pharmacy.


The Red Cross are looking for volunteers in the community. Apply here:


Have you always wanted to work with animals? Gorgie Farm are currently looking for volunteers to look after their animals and grounds. Drop an email if you're interested.


Donate blood! Blood reserves are low across the UK at the moment, and donating blood is classed as essential travel. More handy info here.


Donate to a local foodbank. Going on your big shop at a big supermarket? Why not pick up an extra packet of something you find useful and pop it in the Foodbank Box as you leave. Alternatively, see if your local foodbank could do with an extra pair of hands. The Trussell Trust has all the info you need.


Gone home to England? You can sign up to be an NHS Volunteer right here: There's lots of opportunities to get your teeth into. Some are from home, and some are more community-based. 


In Edinburgh? NHS Lothian have been overwhelmed with volunteer applications, but keep an eye on Volunteer Edinburgh's Social Media for new opportunities with the NHS and in the wider community.


In the Scottish Borders? We suggest joining the Galashiels Community Resilience Group on Facebook. There's also lots of other local initiatives going on, including signing up to make meals for others and more general volunteering opportunities in the Borders.

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