Geography Society

The Geography Society is a community of individuals that are interested in our planet, the environment and how we interact with it.

<p>The Geography Society is a community of individuals that are interested in our planet, the environment and how we interact with it. We welcome students from <strong>all </strong>academic backgrounds, but our Society&nbsp;is particularly suited to those studying BSc Geography and MA Geography, Society and Environment.</p> <p>The society aims to give&nbsp;students a platform to <strong>discuss issues/topics surrounding Geography</strong> with like-minded (or not like-minded!) individuals, whilst having <strong>fun</strong> along the way! Throughout the 2024/25&nbsp;academic year there will be a variety of socials :)</p> <p>Geography is an important discipline and we intend to build&nbsp;contacts in the outside world with industries and businesses, enhancing the overall experience for students and supporting future career development.&nbsp;Overall, we are trying to strengthen all Geographer&#39;s sense of identity and community at Heriot Watt University.</p> <p>If you are interested in joining the Society or have any questions about up coming events please feel free to contact us any time, using our social media accounts or via any of the emails below!</p> <p>Looking forward to meeting you all!</p> <p>Your committee members,</p> <p><strong>President</strong>: Olivia Smith (</p> <p><strong>Vice President: </strong>Cara Elizabeth Scott (</p> <p><strong>Secretary &amp; Treasurer:</strong>&nbsp;Laurie Hunter (</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

Committee Members

Participation and Equality Officer


Social Secretary


Vice President

Wellbeing Officer







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Your Privacy

You can view our standard society privacy statements here. If this particular society has any amendments to this privacy statement, they will be shown below.

This society has no amendments to the standard society privacy statement