Good luck in Exams

Everyone at the Student Union wishes you all the very best of luck in any upcoming exams or coursework due. Check out our best revision and relaxation tips!


Hey all! 

From all of us at the student union we are sending the best of luck to those sitting exams this semester, as well as those that still have coursework to submit.  

Revision and preparation are extremely important but also remember to take time off to relax and not burn-out! Hint…you could chill at Geordies for completing exams or just to unwind. Make sure to check out the advice we have below  


Revision is the key to success and acing your exams. Here are our best tips:  

  • Start in advance and prepare the topics that may come up, also find a revision method that works for you and make sure you know the exam format. 

  • Revise core materials and make sure you understand the content. Remember, teaching staff are still available to help (although, please don’t contact them during your exam). 

  • Look at the core text (if available) or various recommended reading – this will be useful! 

  • Organise study notes and resources so you know where everything is. 

  • Remove any tempting distractions so you can focus just on revision 

  • And finally... stay calm and positive and take breaks! 


Although revision is important, also make time to relax and unwind as this can help with stress. Here is our advice: 

  • Make a list – keep track of your studying or note down any important details so you don’t forget  

  • Breathe it out – take a moment, step back and breathe. Breathing exercises are meant to help when you’re stressed and only take a few minutes.  

  • Write out your thoughts – whether it be on a piece of paper, in your phone or in a journal. Getting things off your mind can help you to relax.  

  • Listening to music – whether it be your favourite album/artist or music to help with stress relief.  

There are many benefits and effects of relaxation, such as: 

  • Being able to think more clearly and make more informed decisions  

  • Having a more positive outlook on life! 

  • A healthier body, relaxed muscles and reduced blood pressure  

  • And much more! 

There are further posts available on our social media pages @hwunion and we have lots of help available at our amazing Advice Hub which can be contacted here

As well their email address is:   


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