Life as a Department Officer

Wonder what it is like being a School Officer? Hannah Copeland shares her thoughts.


Over the past year I’ve been volunteering with the Student union as the Urban Studies Department Officer. School officers act as a student voice representing a whole department and work closely with class reps. I  applied for school officer mainly because I enjoyed being class rep so much that I wanted to take the position further and have more responsibility. I had a great time being class rep; it allowed me to get to know more people on my course and gave me a position of responsibility.

Being school officer has provided me with a huge increase in confidence – if you told me a year ago I’d be able to confidently chair a meeting with staff and student reps I wouldn’t have believed you. Now I’ve learnt such an important skill that will come in useful throughout life. The position has provided me with experience being a team leader which I would not have had otherwise. I think one of the most important skills I’ve really developed on whilst being school officer is time management. Juggling studies and being school officer can seem a lot but I know this skill is super important in life.  Overall, I loved being school officer so much I reapplied for a second year!. 

Finally, my No.1 top tip for being any student rep whether it be school officer or class rep (if this blog has made you want to get involved!)  is to be the friendliest and most approachable version of yourself you can be. Ultimately you are representing potentially hundreds of students each with their own viewpoint and they should all feel comfortable presenting any issues, solutions or even just a chat with you!


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