Enhancement Lecture: Plastics and Environmental Sustainability

Hosted by Heriot-Watt University Student Union

Tue 10 November 2020 17:30-18:30


Plastics and Environmental Sustainability: International Challenges, Scientific and Public Responsibilities

Plastics are amazing materials that have been transformative for most sectors of the economy with new products and linkages between suppliers and consumers based on inexpensive reliable packaging.  A linear economic model currently exists for most plastics as they are produced, used, and disposed of in landfills, incinerated, or released into the environment.  The world trajectory on plastics use and disposal is not sustainable, but neither is the trajectory on release of carbon emissions to the atmosphere.  These challenges must be addressed in concert if we are to evolve truly sustainable circular economies that enhance natural environments and provide quality of life and fairness globally.   

In his lecture, Professor Henry will discuss how public perception and agendas on the issues of plastics can drive policy, affect objectivity in scientific research, and influence our ability to form sustainable circular economies for plastics use.  Examples will include research from his group on the environmental toxicology and effects of plastics in organisms, and work with plastics industries and government organizations to address challenges of plastics and sustainability.

Join us here on Zoom on the day!

Psst...the zoom password is SW2020

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