Elections Q&A with your FTOs

Hosted by Heriot-Watt University Student Union

Thu 20 January 2022 13:00-14:00

Instagram Live

Leaving University and hunting for graduate jobs is daunting at the best of times, nevermind in the middle of a global pandemic. So we want to tell you about a graduate opportunity UNLIKE ANY OTHER.

The Student Union Elections take place each year, to elect your student representatives for the year ahead. This includes the roles for President, Vice President Education, Wellbeing and Community.

We know you probably have a whole list of questions about the elections, things like...

How do I apply to be part of the elections? What posts are you electing? What would I have to do? What is the election process? How does voting work?

So this is your chance to join us @hwunion Instagram LIVE on the 19th January at 12pm and ask your current FTOs any questions you have!