Stand out 2021: Agility in times of change.

Hosted by Careers Service

Fri 19 February 2021 10:00-11:30


We all need to be agile and resilient in times of change.  This is the expectation of most job roles and even more important for when you are searching for a role. 2020 was a year where Change seemed to appear from random directions on a daily basis.  And 2021 is looking like it might be the same. 

And this is hard.  Even for this of us that enjoy change, it can feel like too much. It’s taken a toll on all our mental health and for many of us, it’s been a roller coaster that has not been much fun. If you can relate this  - then it means you’re perfectly normal

This session will take you through some theory to explain our emotions - with lots of techniques to try out to support your need to be agile as you enter the job market. 

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