Writing: using sources

Hosted by Library and IT Services

Mon 01 March 2021 12:00-13:00


Sources are the foundation of your assignments and research, and grades are awarded based on your ability to use them effectively. 

This webinar will look at how you can use sources to construct a sound argument, support your claims, and show the extent of your reading. We will look at examples of how sources are used in academic texts, and discuss how you can incorporate these strategies into your own writing to strengthen your performance in assignments. 

Suitable for undergraduate and taught postgraduate students.  This webinar is about using incorporating the sources that you have already found into your writing – there are separate webinars on “Getting started with research for assignments” and “Finding quality sources for course work” that will help you improve your searches.

This is an online webinar. ?Please check the time in your local time zone.

Find out more here.

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