Candidate for the position of School MP - EPS

Image for Nathan Graham

Nathan Graham

Come on, go all out!

What campaigns or student issues are most important to you?

  • Events for minority students
  • Building an interdisciplinary community within EPS
  • Strengthening student - lecturer relations

What skills and experience would you bring to the role?

I am a natural-born leader and I've lead multiple projects before such as: 

  • Programming leader for the Watts-Up weather balloon project
  • Digital leader in high-school
  • Peer Mediator in high-school
  • School captain in high-school

In these roles I learned how to listen to my compatriots and how to help guide my compatriots to let them give their best.

Why do you want the role? 

As a gay and autistic individual I want to be a voice for those who are typically unrepresented in a position like this. 

Where can I find out more about your campaign? 

Please feel free to email me at