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Meng Wu

Student MP


There are 5 Student Members of Parliament and there is no set remit for any of these positions to work on throughout the year. We run on any issues we feel are important and need addressing, so the world is our oyster!

We stand for these positions based upon wanting to work on a particular issue of the student experience at Heriot-Watt that we see as important. This could be anything from wanting a 24-hour shop in the library to increasing the amount of street lighting around campus.

I'm supported by the Union Group most suited to the issue I raise. I also support the work of Parliament through proactively listening to, and working for students as well as planning activities that meet the needs of students and increases participation in what we do. I attend and contribute to Parliament Meetings, and take an active role in organising events or campaigns throughout the year, helping to implement motions and ideas that pass at Student Parliament.

My key aims:

  • The Student Union should more social events and activities for students at three Scottish Campuses
  • The Student Union should provide more financial support to students in need
  • The Student Union should focus more on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.


I am a Freeman of The Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers, a Guild Brother of Incorporation of Wrights in Glasgow, a Freeman Citizen of Glasgow, a professional member of British Computer Society, a full member of The Institution of Analysts and Programmers, a professional member of The Marine Biological Association and an associate fellow of Advance HE. I am also the early career representative of BCS Open Source Specialist Group, a committee member of IET Scotland North Network, a member of PhD & ECR Committee, Scottish Universities Life Science Alliance, and a Queen Elizabeth Prize Ambassador.


My interest is coin collecting.


If you want to chat about my role, or something you think we should be looking at, then here's how you can find me:

  • Email me on
  • Chat with me on Teams here
Photo of Meng Wu

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