Enhancement Lecture: Fast Fashion - Ethics and the Environment

Hosted by Heriot-Watt University Student Union

Thu 12 November 2020 17:30-18:30


Did you know 30% of the clothing items in the average UK wardrobe have not been used in the past year? If clothes stayed in active use for nine months longer (extending their average life to around 3 years, this would reduce their carbon, water and waste footprints by 20-30% (loveyourclothes.org.uk)

That's why we've invited an expert in this area to speak on fast fashion and the impact on the environment!

Dr Sue Thomas FRSA was formerly Assistant Professor of Fashion at Heriot-Watt University. She wrote and taught the pioneering MSc Ethics in Fashion for the School of Textiles and Design. Having taught in the UK and Aotearoa New Zealand, it was in Australia that she began teaching fashion design for sustainability. An active public speaker and broadcaster (TedxTalk in 2016); she is an advocate for ethics, sustainability and inclusion. She contributed a chapter on faith in design in the Routledge Sustainability and Fashion Handbook published in 2014.

Her book Fashion Ethics was published by Routledge in September 2017. It provides a comprehensive overview of the ethical issues in the fashion industry, from collection design concept to upcycling and closed loop production. The book answers an urgent need for a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental ethics of the mode industry. She is a member of the Union for Concerned Researchers in Fashion and recently became a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

Furthering her research interest in faith, sustainability and design, she is preparing a paper on faith as inclusion and engagement in fashion; for designers and consumers.


Join us here on Zoom on the day!

Psst...the zoom password is SW2020

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